Someday, I want to be mythical. My way. My musics. My methods. My (Little) community. My life. My decisions.
For now, all I can do is work. Again. And again. Make new musics. Learn new fxs and all the stuff. That's awesome too !!
Joined on 7/25/23
A little bit of both for me. Sometimes I'll get a tune stuck in my head out of inspiration, other times I will have a goal to make a song in a specific style or method and build everything around that. I think it's a fun exercise if you don't normally do it, but there's no "wrong" way to make music.
Thanks for answering me ! To be honest, I were just asking myself if making a sort of plan could make the quality better overall, or make more 'professional' musics, so I'm pretty happy you answered that to be honest :)