I am actually facing so much problems that I cant tell it all on here...
The first one is that I am a very bad person and I did some very bad thing that made some people suffer, and I now think I deserve to die.
The second point is I am all alone, my friends sees me as a weirdo and I cant approach the woman I love since my heart is broken (it's been a while)
The third thing is that I tried to help a depressive person that wanted to commit a while ago. She died anyway. And... I just feel so useless...
No one cares about me.
Fourth, I have some important mental sanity problems, or at least I feel like I have some, I am absolutely lost and I can forget things or remember fake things...
Anyone have an idea what I can do ? I am lost now and i feel like I need to die now......
Hold on there pal, the first thing you have to realize is that everybody makes mistakes. There is not one person you have ever met who hasn't felt the same way you do right now; what's important is that you don't dwell on it. I don't know what it is you've done or failed to do, but we all have our flaws. It's okay.
Nobody deserves to die. Everybody on this planet, no matter how cruel they may seem, has good inside them; all it takes to awaken that goodness is to genuinely listen to them. Everybody is fighting their own battles, and being kind is the best thing you can do for them. After all. the odds that you're even alive are next to nothing. Remember that.
If you believe you have mental health issues, talk to someone! Find someone you can wholeheartedly trust and tell them how you're feeling. You'd be surprised how much it can help. And although it may seem like nobody cares about you, just know that there are so many people on this earth that look out for you, because you've looked out for them in the past. You are a good person, and you are well deserving of life! Don't ever forget that.